During 2021-2022, Arosa hosted a series of Energy Transition Teach-Ins, designed to inform investors on the following topics:

  • Renewable Fuels
  • Distributed Energy Resources
  • Wind Power

Please sign in below to access the series presentations and video replays, as well as additional resources about our strategies.

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Differentiated Energy Investing

About Arosa

Arosa Capital Management focuses on traditional and alternative energy and related sectors, combining fundamental research with a deep understanding of the energy markets to invest in private and public companies as well as in credit and commodities.

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Our Team

Since 2013, we have aimed to take advantage of opportunities created by cyclical investing, industry disruption and technological advancements. Our team has the experience to thoroughly analyze the sector’s complex dynamics and evolving landscape.


Specialist Lens

Sector expertise developed over the years positions us to identify opportunities.

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Collaborative Culture

Our analysts contribute to each other’s research, ensuring that each idea is thoroughly vetted.

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Cross Asset Expertise

We leverage the synergies we derive from investing across energy sectors and asset classes.

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Our Approach

We seek to capitalize upon the significant opportunity presented by this multi-decade energy transition.

Over the past 15 years, the energy sector has undergone a substantial transformation, which we believe will continue as disruptive changes in technology, regulation and consumer demand shift in favor of renewable energy sources.

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